Basic Small Animal First Aid

Bites and fight wounds:

  • Clean wounds with warm water
  • Cover to protect from further contamination
  • Seek veterinary attention if bleeding is persistent, wounds involving the head (eyes, ears, nose, throat), penetrating injuries to the chest, abdomen or groin.


If blood “spurting”, pooling, or soaking bandage seek veterinary attention. Meanwhile:

  • Cover with clean absorbent compress (cotton pad) and apply direct pressure or bandage firmly in place.
  • If severe bleeding from a limb, apply a tourniquet above the wound just tight enough to staunch the flow. *Loosen it after 20 minutes.

Bloat (“GDV”):

  • Dog has a bulge behind the rib cage, has tried (unsuccessfully) to vomit several times, stomach is swollen and dog may collapse.
  • Requires immediate veterinary attention!

Breathing difficulties:

If “open-mouth-breathing” (esp. cats) and appears in distress, get to a veterinary clinic without delay!

Burns and scalds:

  • Cool area with cold water or cover with wet towels.
  • If a chemical burn, run cool water over burn for 15 minutes.
  • If skin sloughs, cover with cleanest material available.
  • In all cases contact your veterinarian.


  • Most will last under 2 minutes
  • Keep hands away from the mouth, move away from stairs, and provide padding between thrashing limbs and floor.
  • If suspect blood sugar is too low (young puppy, diabetic) rub syrup on the gums.
  • If last longer than 5 minutes or multiple seizures in rapid succession, your pet requires immediate veterinary attention.
  • If not prolonged, contact your vet and book appointment at earliest convenience.

Persistent vomiting or diarrhea:

  • Can be sign of poisoning, intestinal blockage, or infection.
  • Contact your veterinarian if you notice blood in the stool/vomit, if it persists for longer than 6-12 hours, or if your pet becomes weak.
  • Consult your veterinarian before giving human medications.
  • Do not force your pet to eat or drink as this may exacerbate the problem.

Eye injuries:

  • Can potentially cause blindness or rupture the eye if left untreated.
  • Very painful.
  • STOP them from rubbing their face or scratching the eye.
  • If the eye has popped out of the socket, keep it moist with contact lens solution (saline) get to the vet immediately.
  • If there is green/yellow discharge from the eye and you can’t get into the vet right away, Polysporin eye/ear drops can be used (BUT they sting!). Make an appointment at your earliest convenience.

Heat stroke:

  • Usually caused by leaving your dog in the car, or in some cats falling asleep while sunning themselves.
  • Signs: excessing panting, weakness, and distress progressing quickly to collapse and unconsciousness.
  • Cool down either by submersing in a tub of lukewarm water or applying wet towels to legs/body. AVOID using ice or ice/water as this can cool them too quickly.
  • Offer water as soon as stable.
  • Take to the vet ASAP.
