Pet Dental Health Awareness Months

February 1st- March 31st

If I were to ask you: “Out of all the ‘family’ members in your household, who has the worst dental hygiene?” the chances are pretty good that you would point to the dog or cat (our lil’ fur babies!). Even though we love them, we can acknowledge that they typically do not have the freshest smelling breath. And maybe you haven’t been the most diligent ‘parent’ when it comes to brushing your pet’s teeth. Let me enlighten you all to one simple fact: “cat breath” or “dog breath”, though exceedingly common, is NOT NORMAL. This is considered to be a medical condition called ‘halitosis’ and can signify a build-up of bacteria in the mouth which can cause gingivitis and periodontal disease.

The months of February and March are always set aside to help us create awareness about dental disease in our furry (or not so furry) friends. Here, at Mountain Road Animal Hospital, we’re going to spend the next 2 month focused teaching you all what a healthy mouth looks & smells like, as well as how you extend your pet’s life by 2-5 years by providing necessary Dental Care. Here are the upcoming events to circle on your calendars:

Free Dental Exams

Call today and book a no charge dental exam with one of our technicians. They will check out your furry friend’s teeth, recommend a dental program that suits your pet’s needs, give you a demonstration on brushing (you get to keep the toothbrush!) and if necessary discuss getting your pet’ teeth cleaned. Appointment slots are available Monday-Friday, 9am-4:30pm.

Free Dental Seminar

Circle the date! I (Dr. Rittwage) will be presenting a seminar on dental disease and oral care February 10th, 2015 at 7pm at our location. Come and join us for a fun and educational evening. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please RSVP to by February 9th. Each attendant will receive a “dental pack” full of info, samples, and freebies!

Prizes and Giveaways

We are happy to be offering a 10% discount on the Professional Dental Cleaning that you schedule during the months of February and March. After the procedure you will also be entered into a draw to win a 250$ credit on your account!