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What Do I Do If My Pet Is In Heat?
I Think My Pet is in “Heat” – What do I do Now?

What Do I Do If My Pet Is In Heat?

Whether it was intentional or accidental, you pet may now be in “heat”.  The following are tips and tricks on how to recognize heat in cats and dogs, and what to do

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Honey…We Have Fleas!
Honey…We Have Fleas!

Honey…We Have Fleas!

It’s that time of year again folks…flea season! Fleas are everywhere, year round, however, the most “active” months are during the warmer months 

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Is your Dog a Scaredy Cat?
Is your Dog a Scaredy Cat?

Is your Dog a Scaredy Cat?

Does your dog jump, scramble and run from everything including their own shadow? Dog fears and anxieties are more common than you think.

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All You Need to Know About Leptospirosis
All You Need to Know About Leptospirosis!

All You Need to Know About Leptospirosis

In lieu of the recent Leptospirosis outbreak in Nova Scotia, it’s advised to arm yourself with as much information as possible to help protect yourself and your dog.

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Heartworm in Atlantic Canada
Heartworm in Atlantic Canada: What you need to know

Heartworm in Atlantic Canada

Heartworm disease is caused by a blood borne parasite, dirofilaria immitis, which is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito. 

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The External Parasites in Pets
The External Parasites in Pets

The External Parasites in Pets

Our pets have to deal with internal parasites and they also have to deal with external ones. External meaning parasites that are found on the outside of the body.

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The Internal Parasites in Pets!
The Internal Parasites in Pets!

The Internal Parasites in Pets!

These are some quotes from pet owners that we hear when discussing deworming. There are many myths re: worms and your pets.

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Pet Separation Anxiety
Separation Anxiety: What, Why, and What To Do

Pet Separation Anxiety

In human terms, anxiety is defined as an overall feeling of impending danger or threat.  For dogs with separation anxiety, this ‘threat’ is being away from their owner. 

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Oral Inflammatory Disease in Cats
Oral Inflammatory Disease in Cats

Oral Inflammatory Disease in Cats

Classic signs of a painful mouth are drooling, difficulty chewing, unwilling to drink cold water, etc. However, most cats only show such signs when inflammation is severe.

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Understanding Commercial Pet Diets
What You Need To Know About Commercial Diets

Understanding Commercial Pet Diets

Where do you begin to pick the best diet you can for your pet? Consult with your veterinarian! They will be able to evaluate your pets and make a diet plan.

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How Long to Treat Fleas & Ticks
How Long Do I Need to Treat for Fleas & Ticks?

How Long to Treat Fleas & Ticks

Here in the Maritimes, weather can be unpredictable with the daytime temps rising and falling so many people choose to use a tick prevention year round.

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Euthanasia – What to expect
Euthanasia – What to expect

Euthanasia – What to expect

Nobody wants to imagine life without their furry best friend. When they DO think about it, they like to imagine that their pet will pass away peacefully at a ripe old age

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