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Frostbite in Cats and Dogs
Frostbite in Cats and Dogs

Frostbite in Cats and Dogs

Frostbite is the skin and tissue damage caused by exposure to extreme and/or prolonged cold temperatures. This is something we should all be aware of as Atlantic Canadians

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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease Aka: FLUTD

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

FLUTD is a term that is used to describe a cluster or urination-related symptoms that cats often display when they are having bladder issues. 

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Five Questions to Ask Your Vet
Five Questions to Ask Your Vet

Five Questions to Ask Your Vet

Many of us know by now that we should be doing something to help prevent tartar and gingivitis in our animals, but still all of us do it.  

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4 Most Common Oral Cancers in Pets
4 Most Common Cancers in the Mouths of Cats & Dogs

4 Most Common Oral Cancers in Pets

Biopsies, sampling the local lymph nodes, and maybe even skull X-Rays are important to the diagnosis and can mean the difference of having a few months, to years to live. 

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When Can I Stop Flea/Tick Treatments?
When Can I Stop Flea/Tick Treatments?

When Can I Stop Flea/Tick Treatments?

With the fall season fast approaching and winter on its heels, everyone wants to know how long to continue with their monthly treatments.

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How to Give your Dog a Pill
How to Give your Dog a Pill

How to Give your Dog a Pill

Medicating your pooch doesn’t HAVE to be a daunting task. Here are some tips that might make the process easier for both of you…

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Veterinary medicine has progressed to the point that we can perform blood transfusions in pets that require more blood or blood products.  

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Pet Insurance
Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance

I, for one, am a HUGE advocate for pet insurance! Having had a dog previously that required a lot of veterinary care in his senior years, his pet insurance was a God-Send. 

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Demystifying “Hot Spots”
Demystifying “Hot Spots”

Demystifying “Hot Spots”

A “Hot Spot” is also known as acute moist dermatitis; meaning it's a skin infection that comes on suddenly.  We'll explain why it occurs, how to recognize it, and how to treat.

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Why Does My Pet Get Ear Infections?
Why Does My Pet Get Ear Infections?

Why Does My Pet Get Ear Infections?

I’m sure most of us are familiar with that tell-tale odour coming from our furry friend’s ears – that very annoying ear infection.

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How to Looks for Ticks
How to Looks for Ticks

How to Looks for Ticks

Ticks can be found anywhere; most commonly in trees, bushes and grass. Different species of ticks populate different areas.

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Parasites Dangers for Pets
Parasites Dangers for Pets

Parasites Dangers for Pets

We hope all of you outdoorsy people have enjoyed this somewhat mild winter and as for the indoorsy people we hope you’re well rested!

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